Wednesday, October 14, 2015

First OB Visit

On Friday, August 7th we went in for our first visit with the OB. This is where we would have an ultrasound, find out just how far along I was and get my estimated due date! Excited was an understatement because since the beginning we were just kind of guessing.

The appointmet was pretty routine...weight, blood pressure, pee in a cup...until we got to the room, the ultrasound machine was all set up and ready to show us our little peanut! I had butterflies and a nervous pit in my stomach.
The test was pretty uncomfortable [the term transvaginal should sum it up] but totally worth it! Even though the baby was just this itty bitty blinking bean on the monitor the emotions and love I felt for that little blip was overwhelming! The blinking part was actually the tiny heart beating, which is far too small to pick up on the doppler to hear just yet. But seeing that tiny little thing beat was unbelievable! 

We then got to find out how far along I actually was. The doctor measured the little bean, 9.4mm, which translates to 7 weeks excatly. Yep, a few weeks further than we had predicted. My due date was set for March 25, 2016! Hello, spring-march-maddness-baby!
So in love and smitten with Baby Rice already!!

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